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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Menu for 6/30/14-7/6/14

We had a little fun outside of VBS last week.

Bailey and I had another mani/pedi day at home. These are my toes because I know how to hold still for a picture but hers are the same colors as mine.

We also spent some time snuggling in the chair one day because I was too exhausted to keep my eyes open. I don't know what brought that on but I just couldn't stay awake. Bailey laid in the chair with me and watched the new Tinkerbell movie without making a sound.

Two weeks in a row we've gone to Shoney's for Saturday breakfast. Bailey really likes their scrambled eggs. She had two plates of them plus a blueberry muffin and a piece of bacon this week.

We went grocery shopping as a family for once and Bailey got to walk through the store instead of being pushed in the shopping cart. That was a real treat for her since I never have enough hands to hold her hand and push the cart and actually put things in it.

I'll be picking up some babysitting a couple of days a week so I had to rearrange the menu a bit since I won't be home those days. I'm very excited about the new recipe this week since it's a one pot/skillet meal. I'd say I hope Aaron likes it but the truth is even if he doesn't it's something I could easily make for lunch instead of dinner.

Breakfast- waffles and fruit
Lunch- turkey and bacon sandwiches and chips
Dinner- Yaya will provide dinner

Breakfast- yogurt and cereal
Lunch- turkey sandwiches and chips
Dinner- honey garlic pork chops, mashed potatoes, green beans, macaroni and cheese, and crescent rolls

Breakfast- blueberry streussel muffins
Lunch- grilled cheese sandwiches and chips
Dinner- one pan enchilada pasta, salad, and Hawaiian rolls

Breakfast- scrambled eggs and toast
Lunch- confetti macaroni and cheese
Dinner- chicken quesadillas with black beans

Breakfast- yogurt and fruit
Lunch- leftover enchilada pasta and salad
Dinner- cheeseburgers, french fries, and macaroni and cheese

Breakfast- sausage, gravy, and biscuits
Lunch- leftovers
Dinner- crescent chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and Hawaiian rolls

Breakfast- chicken biscuits
Lunch- leftovers
Dinner- Admiral will provide dinner

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